Millimeter Observations of Molecular Clouds in the Outer Galaxy

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Session 36 -- ISM: Structure, Molecular Clouds
Display presentation, Wednesday, June 14, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[36.04] Millimeter Observations of Molecular Clouds in the Outer Galaxy

Catherine Lehman (RPI)

We are carrying out detailed studies of the physical conditions in outer Galaxy molecular clouds. The clouds are chosen from an unbiased survey of a square degree of the outer Galaxy by Carey (1995). Data was taken of 12CO(1-0), 12CO(2-1), and 13CO(1-0) transitions of a total of seven large and small molecular clouds. The clouds are located in the 13 Kpc arm and interarm region in the first quadrent of the outer Galaxy.

The observations were carried out on the NRAO 12m telescope, on Kitt Peak, AZ. The 12CO(1-0) and the 13CO(1-0) transitions used half beam width sampling, while the 12CO(2-1) was taken with full beam width sampling. The finer sampling of the survey, in comparision with previous observations, allowed better determination of the structure of the strong peaks detected. We will discuss column densities, kinetic temperature, and virial masses derived from the observations.

Work supported by National Science Foundatin URE Program.

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