3-13 $/um$ Spectroscopy of Nova Cassiopeiae 1993

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Session 38 -- Planetary Nebulae and Novae
Display presentation, Wednesday, June 14, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[38.05] 3-13 $/um$ Spectroscopy of Nova Cassiopeiae 1993

David K. Lynch (The Aerospace Corp.)

We report 3 - 13 $/um$ spectrospcopy (resolution of 30 - 130) from the Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii. On Dec 14.3 1994 UT, the nova showed a strong infrared excess with IR magnitudes of L = 6.6 177 0.2, M = 5.5 177 0.07 and N = 1.8 177 0.15. The continuum between 8 and 13 $/um$ falls off more steeply than a Planck function. The spectrum displayed two prominent emission features, one at 3.4 $/um$ (197 0.25 $/um$ wide) and the other at 11.3 $/um$ (197 0.4 $/um$ wide.) If the 3.4 $/um$ and 11.3 $/um$ have the same or similar origins as those that cause the 3.4 $/um$ and 11.3 $/um$ UIR features (Unidentified InfraRed), the 8.6 $/um$ feature which always accompanies the later two is noticeably absent here.

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