Anomalous star formation and metal enrichment in the central parsec of a quasar

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Session 42 -- Metallicity in AGN and the Near-AGN Environment
Oral presentation, 8:30am - 12:30pm, June 14, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[42.02] Anomalous star formation and metal enrichment in the central parsec of a quasar

P.Artymowicz (Stockholm U.), D.N.C.Lin (UCSC), J.Wampler (ESO)

We present a physical mechanism for a rapid in situ generation and maintenance of metallicity within the central parsec-scale nucleus of AGN (quasar). A small fraction of stars from the nucleus interact strongly with the gaseous accretion disk or assemblage of clouds, which surround and refuel the central massive object (black hole). Trapped within the gas, these stars provide the seeds for the growth of massive, short-lived main-sequence stars. The rate of the anomalous star formation is remarkably model-independent. Compact remnants of the supernovae may undergo retrapping and repeated accretion, resulting in a population of the Thorne-\.Zytkow and other unusual objects. The solar or supersolar metallicities can be quickly established within the quasar/AGN, even if the circum-quasar material (e.g., the narrow line region) is comparatively metal-poor.

8:30a program listing