A Search for Pulsar Companions to OB Runaways

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Session 48 -- Degenerate Stars and Pulsars
Display presentation, Thursday, June 15, 1995, 9:20am - 4:00pm

[48.10] A Search for Pulsar Companions to OB Runaways

Colin J. Philp (UNC Chapel Hill)

``Runaway'' OB stars are distinguished from the normal population by large peculiar velocities ($>$30 km s$^{-1}$) and large heights above the galactic plane (up to several kpc). There are two competing models to explain these properties: the Supernova Ejection mechanism and the Dynamical Ejection mechanism. The one predicts a high incidence of compact companions to the OB runaways ($>$50\%), while the other predicts a low percentage ($<$10\%). We have completed a Very Large Array (VLA) search for radio pulsars at the positions of known OB runaways. We used the High Time Resolution Processor (HTRP) to search for pulsed emission. We also searched for point sources of non-thermal emission by making continuum maps at both 6cm and 20cm radio wavelengths. After a preliminary round of data analysis, we have found no strong pulsar canididates in either the continuum or the HTRP data. We will discuss these results and how assumptions about absorption of radio signals in a wind from a massive star might affect our ability to detect these pulsars, and what this might tell us about the relative efficiency of these two ejection mechanisms.

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