Tidal Evaporation and Orbital Decay of Star Clusters in a Galactic Halo

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Session 49 -- Star Clusters in the Milky Way and Other Galaxies
Display presentation, Thursday, June 15, 1995, 9:20am - 4:00pm

[49.07] Tidal Evaporation and Orbital Decay of Star Clusters in a Galactic Halo

E. Capriotti, S.L. Hawley (Michigan State)

We consider the evolution of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies under the gravitational influence of an isothermal halo. Evaporation rates are compared to orbital decay rates for a variety of initial cluster masses, central concentrations, and orbital sizes and eccentricities. Clusters which survive for a Hubble time fall into a mass range which depends most crucially on the original orbital parameters.

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