Searching for periodic signals from the galactic gamma-ray sources

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Session 5 -- Gamma Ray Astronomy
Display presentation, Monday, June 12, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[5.06] Searching for periodic signals from the galactic gamma-ray sources

M.H.Ng, K.S.Cheng (HKU)

We propose a method to search for periodic signals from unidentified galactic gamma-ray sources. This method has been tested in the case of known gamma-ray pulsars. We found that this method can successfully restore the true pulsar period from the EGRET data if the frequency derivative of the pulsar is less than or equal to $10^{-13}~s^{-2}$ and the signal strength is stronger than $10^{-7}~photons~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}$ for E $>$ 100 MeV. Especially, this method shows very satisfactory result in the case of Geminga. Furthermore, if the duty cycle of the pulsed signal is small (e.g. 0.1 to 0.2), the method shows higher probability of confirming the sources as periodic one.

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