The Luminous IRAS Source FSC10214+4724 is Gravitationally Lensed

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Session 52 -- Gravitational Lenses/QSO Absorption Lines
Oral presentation, Thursday, June 15, 1995, 10:00am - 11:30am

[52.02] The Luminous IRAS Source FSC10214+4724 is Gravitationally Lensed

P.Eisenhardt (JPL/Caltech), B.T.Soifer (Caltech), L.Armus (Caltech), D.Hogg (Caltech), G.Neugebauer (Caltech), M.Werner (JPL/Caltech)

With a redshift of 2.3, the IRAS source FSC 10214+4724 apears to be one of the most luminous objects known in the universe. The source contains substantial amounts of molecular gas and has been suggested to be either a gas-rich protogalaxy or a dust embedded quasar. We present an image of FSC10214+4724 recently obtained with the HST Planetary Camera, which clearly shows that the source is gravitationally lensed. We model the lensing geometry and discuss the implications of this model for the source properties.

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