Comparison of Galactic Evolution in the Hubble and de Sitter Cosmologies

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Session 8 -- Surveys and Cosmology
Display presentation, Monday, June 12, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[8.04] Comparison of Galactic Evolution in the Hubble and de Sitter Cosmologies

John B. Miller (ATMI), Thomas E. Miller

Galactic evolution is examined via the observed luminosity function for large catalogs of objects. Strong evidence has been found for evolution at all observed redshifts assuming a Hubble redshift-distance law. In contrast, if a de Sitter redshift-distance law is assumed, the observed luminosity function is found to be nearly invariant over more than three orders of magnitude. We find no evidence for galactic evolution in the quasi-static de Sitter universe.

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