A Quantitative Study of Limb Darkening in Accretion Disks

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Session 9 -- Protostars, Young Stars and Stellar Accretion Disks
Display presentation, Monday, June 12, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[9.11] A Quantitative Study of Limb Darkening in Accretion Disks

M.P. Diaz, R.A. Wade (Penn State), I. Hubeny (GSFC)

The effect of limb darkening in the UV spectra of accretion disks is evaluated using disk models. Limb darkening correction factors are derived for a grid of binary system parameters and orbital inclinations. Continuum radial emissivity distributions and a description of the local limb darkening effect are presented for a wide range of physical conditions. The behavior of the synthetic line profiles and their disk diagnostic capabilities are also discussed.

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