Session 4 - Space Mission Status.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
The EUVE\/ mission is nearing the end of its third year of guest observer observations. Using the \sim250 publicly available spectrometer data sets as a basis, CEA has begun work to produce an EUVE\/ spectral atlas. The atlas will include representative samples of the brightest and/or most interesting EUVE\/ sources from various different source classifications. All spectra will be optimally reduced and extracted in a scientifically valid and consistent manner so that, when published, the atlas will serve as a useful reference work for spectral comparisons and other scientific studies. This poster will exhibit preliminary samples from the atlas, will explain the relevant reduction and analysis applications and techniques, and will discuss the incorporation of this material into the WWW spectral browser and, ultimately, the permanent EUVE\/ mission archive. This work is supported by NASA contract NAS5-29298.