Session 4 - Space Mission Status.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
The JPL Enhanced BATSE Occultation Package (EBOP) is currently used to routinely monitor the 0.025-1.8 MeV emission of 55 known cosmic sources. Daily average count rates of approximately 250 days in 16 energy channels along with their corresponding errors, both Poisson and systematic, are now available to the community at the Compton Observatory Science Support Center (COSSC). From these rate data, light curves with one-day resolution and time average spectra for each source can be obtained using the standard spectral analysis program XSPEC with supporting programs which have also been provided to the COSSC. In this paper, we describe the EBOP system, its capabilities and limitations. We also compare a sample of source spectra with those obtained simultaneously by OSSE and COMPTEL for the same viewing period.