Session 5 - Education.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
The Online Journal of Astronomy Education has been formed as an experiment whose aim is to fill in a need for information exchange in astronomy education. There is a lack of forums for the publication of inovative astronomy teaching techniques. With this journal, we hope to meet the needs of the astronomy teaching community. The Online Journal of Astronomy Education (OJAE) is made up of three main parts: 1. The Main Journal, a peer reviewed journal. 2. The Forum, an open section for those who want to make contributions and ask questions, without having to deal with the peer review process. And 3. Other Astronomy Resources, pointers to other astronomy sources. The journal is in hypertext format and is availible over the world wide web. Submissions to the main journal are accepted in plain text and html format. Submissions to the forum are accepted in plain text, html format, and postscript format. The address of OJAE is: .