Session 10 - Gamma-ray Bursts and Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
Although the sensitivity of the DMR instrument to point sources is quite low, the DMR data, at frequencies of 31, 53, and 90 GHz, provides one of the few opportunities to search for emission at other wavelength regions occurring simultaneously with the BATSE gamma ray bursts. We have searched the COBE-DMR time ordered data, for the period 1991 April through December, for occasions when one of the DMR horns (beamwidth 7 degrees to half-maximum) was pointed close to the position of a BATSE gamma-ray burst at the time of the burst. Of 260 BATSE events during the time period, DMR was pointed within 6.3 degrees of the positions for 5 events at the exact time when the gamma-ray burst started. In addition, DMR pointed within 2 degrees of the BATSE positions for 4 events within 10 seconds after the BATSE burst started. No obvious DMR emissions, with upper limits in the 10 to 100 kiloJansky range, are associated with any of these events, but we are extending the analysis for weaker emission occurring over longer time intervals (up to 20 minutes before and after the BATSE event). We will continue this program by comparing the 1992 and 1993 DMR time-ordered data with the BATSE catalog.
This work is supported by NASA ADP grant NAG5-2708 to the University of New Hampshire.