Session 12 - Radio Galaxies, VLBI.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
The Coordinated Millimeter-VLBI Array (CMVA) is a program to make VLBI at 3mm more accessible to a larger user community. It employs existing telescopes world-wide on a cooperative basis to stage VLBI observing sessions that are scheduled on a open, refereed basis by a single submission to the CMVA. The CMVA also provides correlation and delivery of the data to the user in a contemporary, transportable format.
The CMVA mechanism for proposing and the manner in which projects are reviewed and recommended for scheduling by the cooperating telescopes will be discussed. System and telescope characteristics will be described, and examples of recent technical improvements for carrying out 3mm-VLBI will be shown.
3mm-VLBI complements Space VLBI but is sensitive to different source regions, although the maximum resolutions of each overlap. Recent scientific progress will summarized, and the reader referred to several other displays on 3mm-VLBI results at this meeting.