Session 13 - Observations of Radio Sources.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
We present first epoch simultaneous dual--frequency VLBA 2 GHz amp; 8 GHz observations of a sample of 42 of the 560 extragalactic sources within the radio reference frame (Johnston et al.\ 1995,AJ,110,880). Many of the sources have dominant cores containing the majority of the total flux density and angular sizes less than several milliarcseconds. However, at some level, almost all of the observed sources show structure characteristic of a core--jet morphology, often with multiple jet components. Sources with dominant cores are known to be highly variable, both spatially and temporally. Frequent observations of the radio reference frame sources are therefore necessary to determine the level at which source structure variation, such as superluminal motion, will affect the long term stability and accuracy of the radio reference frame.