Session 17 - Supernovae.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
Recent two-dimensional simulations of core-collapse supernovae have affirmed the multi-dimensional character of the explosion mechanism and the evolution of the expanding ejecta. Central to the explosion is the role by played neutrinos emitted by the nascent protoneutron star during and after collapse. The timescale for the initial bounce shock to stall into accretion, the subsequent revival of the accretion shock into an explosion, and the matter entropies achieved thereafter all depend sensitively on the physics describing the matter-neutrino interaction. We introduce a new algorithm for computing the transport of neutrino radiation in a hydrodynamic simulation. The algorithm is a modified version of the Eastman and Pinto (1993) routine for general radiative transfer. With this new approach, we are able to follow the evolution of six neutrino species, and their attendant coupling to the matter, in a time-dependent, multi-group fashion without the use of flux limiters, pre-assigned eddington factors, or abitrary spectral ``pinch'' factors. In this paper we present the first results from the new algorithm. We begin by presenting static ``snapshots'' of the radiation field from one- and two-dimensional simulations performed previously. The emergent luminosities, eddington factors, and spectra are compared to those obtained/assumed with the simpler flux-limited diffusion code. We then present a sample one-dimensional simulation using the new algorithm coupled to the hydrodynamics code.