Session 21 - Jets, H-H Objects, and Molecular Outflows.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
At optical wavelengths it has been shown that many features observed in Herbig-Haro objects can be explained successfully by simplified bow shock models [1]. The goal is to extend this study into the ultraviolet, by comparing the spatial intensity distribution observed by IUE, with the scale-free models that describe the emission processes taking place in the leading "working surfaces" of the stellar jets. Published IUE spectra have been used for the HH1, HH2(A'+H), HH2(G+B), HH24A, HH32, HH43(A+B+C) and HH47 objects, where the brightest UV lines (CIV1549, CIII]1909, CII]2326, MgII2799) were studied, as well as the UV continuum (modeled by a two-photon continuum). The quality of the IUE data is rather limited, due to the broad PSF, the low signal-to-noise ratio and the small size of the IUE aperture, and therefore the models were degraded to compare with the observations. The physical parameters used in the models were obtained from previous optical studies and have been explored within the known uncertainties. The objects were modeled as single (HH1, HH24A, HH32, HH47), double (HH2[A'+H], HH2[G+B]) and triple (HH43[A+B+C]) condensations. It can be concluded that the simple geometrical kinematical three dimensional bow shock models [2][3][4] provide a reasonable description of the available IUE observations of HH objects UV spatial intensity distribution. \vspace*0.1cm
[1] Noriega-Crespo, A., Böhm, K.H. amp; Raga, A.C. 1989, AJ, 98, 1388.
[2] Raga, A.C., 1986, AJ, 92, 637.
[3] Hartigan, P., Raymond, J., amp; Hartmann, L., 1987, ApJ, 316, 323.
[4] Indebetouw, R., amp; Noriega-Crespo, A, 1995, AJ, 109, 752.