Session 21 - Jets, H-H Objects, and Molecular Outflows.
Display session, Monday, January 15
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
We present near-infrared spectroscopic imaging (R = 800) of the star formation region, Cep A, in the molecular hydrogen, v: 1--0 S, 2.122 \mum line and the forbidden ionized iron 1.644 \mum line. We detect two distinct `jet-like' regions of emission in both lines. The observations were performed at the Wyoming Infrared Observatory 2.3 m telescope with the University of Rochester 3rd Generation Infrared Camera in conjunction with the Naval Research Laboratory and National Air and Space Museum Fabry-Perot Interferometer. The detection of spatially related molecular hydrogen and iron characterizes shocked gas. The southern emission resembles an `interstellar bullet' (Burton amp; Allen, Nature, 363, 54), while the northern emission is more likely an oblique shock.
We examine detailed correlation between the molecular hydrogen and iron emissionimages with radio maps of the ionized gas, ammonia and CS emission obtained by other authors, in order to investigate the enigmatic CepA source.