Session 38 - Electronic Journals and Other AAS Web Services.
Display session, Tuesday, January 16
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
The AAS initiated its WWW service in mid-1993 and since that time these have expanded dramatically, both in usage and in content. The content has expanded in response to member interest and now includes a wide range of information regarding Society governance, membership, and activities, e.g. meetings. Each of the Society's Divisions also provides information through the WWW and the AAS homepage provides links to these. The AAS pages also includes pointers to other sites of interest in astronomy and related areas such as education and public policy. The versatility provided by WWW services has been so attractive that other means of electronic access to the Society's information have declined in usage, almost to the vanishing point.
In this presentation we will describe the services currently provided and offer the usage statistics to show the growth of popularity of this form over the last couple of years. We will also indicate some of the future possibilities for using WWW services to further supplement the Societies general purpose publications. We will also suggest some opportunities for providing two-way communication with the membership through the features of the WWW, especially those offered by new security features.