Session 39 - Observing with HST.
Display session, Tuesday, January 16
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
The HST Phase 2 proposal allows you to specify many special requirements which are necessary to achieve valuable science data. While it is obvious that some of these requirements place time restrictions on the visits, AFTER, BEFORE, PHASE etc., the effect of others such as the ORIENT and CVZ special requirements may not be as intuitive. For example, WFPC observers may wish to guarantee that the reference axis of the observing aperture remains parallel between exposures at different pointings in order to simplify the task of data reduction. This is done using the ORIENT and SAME ORIENT special requirement specifications for single and multiple visits respectively. However, there are subtleties involved in using these requirements when the spacecraft pointing is also changed within the visit or visits which need to be understood in order to achieve the results you expect. Likewise, the use of the CVZ special requirement, while encouraged where possible, may limit the number of opportunities when an observation can be done during the cycle. The balance between the advantage of continuous observing versus the limited scheduling opportunities must be considered when using this special scheduling requirement. This paper will discuss the various issues surrounding the subtle and potentially problematic effects of using the CVZ and ORIENT special requirements.