Session 39 - Observing with HST.
Display session, Tuesday, January 16
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
Substantial changes have been introduced by the Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute (ST ScI) to improve the information available to researchers for understanding the circumstances under which observations were obtained and to reduce the effort required to operate the telescope. Part of this upgrade, the new Observation Support/Post-Observation Data Processing Unified System (known as OPUS), replaces two former operational systems known as Observation Support (OSS) and Post-Observation Data Processing (PODPS).
This paper discusses how OPUS team members use Observation Logs to assess the procedural integrity of your HST observations. The Observation Logs are a new product in FITS format that provide detailed jitter information as well as other telescope and instrument performance data. They are available to you for observations taken since Oct 20, 1994, with an enhanced version being available since Aug 29, 1995.
This paper also discusses OPUS's role in interactive acquisitions and the new reuse target offset function as well as in other observer support activities.