Session 43 - Binary Stars.
Display session, Tuesday, January 16
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
In our study of eccentric eclipsing binary candidates (EEB's), we have obtained UBVRI CCD light curves of the LP Cephei, which was discovered by Wachmann (1972). The observations were taken 21 to 25 September 1994, inclusive, at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Arizona. The CCD photometer system (CCDPHOT) was used in conjunction with the 0.9 m Cassegrain reflector telescope. Five mean precision epochs of minimum light were determined from the observations made during primary and secondary eclipses. A period study has been conducted for all available data Analysis of both Wachmann's timings and our timings yielded the following linear ephemeris: HJD Min I = 2 449 621.732 19(78)d + 0.693 0625XE. Despite the reported displacement of the secondary by Wachmann (1972) , we find that the secondary eclipse occurs at 0.5 phase. We have obtained standard magnitudes and estimated the amount of interstellar extinction for LP Cephei. Reddening Estimates indicate that LP Cephei consists of two B-type Near-Contact components. Simultaneous synthetic light curve solutions are discussed. The system is semidetatched: the secondary component fills its Roche lobe, while the primary component has a fillout of \sim70 % of its Roche lobe. \footnote[]*Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory , National Optical Astronomical Observatories, which are operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation This research was partially supported by funds from the National Science Foundation.