Session 60 - Stellar Astrophysics I.
Oral session, Tuesday, January 16
Salon del Rey North, Hilton
Algol is a semi-detached stellar binary in which an active late-type star fills its Roche-Lobe and accretion onto an early-type companion takes place. Recent medium resolution X-ray and high resolution extreme ultra-violet (EUV) spectral observations of Algol have independently indicated that the elemental abundances in the hot corona of the active star in Algol are depleted with respect to the solar photospheric abundances. We present a joint analysis of the EUV and X-ray spectra of Algol. The non-simultaneously observed EUV and X-ray spectra were obtained from the EUVE and ASCA archives. The spectra were fitted jointly with the plasma emission models assuming (a) discrete emission components with different temperatures, and (b) different continuous emission measure (CEM) models, in particular the power-law type and Chebyshev Polynomial type. We demonstrate that both ASCA and EUVE data can be best-fitted with a common plasma emission model. We will discuss the implications of the different emission measure models on the derivation of the elemental abundances in the corona of the active star in Algol, and compare our results with the previous analyses.