Session 64 - Getting & Holding a Job with an Astronomy Degree.
Oral session, Tuesday, January 16
La Condesa, Hilton
This panel session will focus on a realistic assessment of the current and future employment opportunities for trained Astronomers. The development of strategies for finding worthwhile employment in today's challenging\rm\ job market. Opportunities both within and without the traditional astronomy fields will be explored. Astronomy degrees can provide a broad training in related physical sciences, mathematics, computers, and innovative, new technologies while honing a person's ability to solve a wide spectrum of difficult and complex problems. With these skills, a number of past and present AAS members have found interesting and rewarding employment outside of mainstream Astronomy and in fields unrelated to Astronomy.
This session will:
\indent\hang 1. Summarize the results of the recent job survey conducted among AAS members.
\indent\hang 2. Provide job search information from people who have recently found jobs and from experts who assist people with scientific and technical backgrounds to find jobs.
\indent\hang 3. Focus attention on possible alternative careers.