Session 74 - Ground-Based Instruments.
Display session, Wednesday, January 17
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
The FITS Support Office at Goddard Space Flight Center maintains World Wide Web pages at \tt The home page, \tt fits_home.html, links to three other pages. The \tt basics_info.html page provides an overview of FITS and a discussion of FITS documents, software, and network resources, with links to nearly all of the FITS Support Office and external material described. In particular, there are links to the Definition of FITS, a codification of the FITS standard, in different formats. The \tt xtension.html page is a hypertext version of the official IAU FITS Working Group List of Registered Extensions, with links to those desciptive documents that are electronically available. The \tt errtest.html page provides a direct link to the FITS Support Office collection of primary headers specially designed to test the ability of FITS readers to cope with errors. The FITS Support Office operates under the guidance of the Astrophysics Data Facility at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.