Session 76 - Adaptive Optics.
Display session, Wednesday, January 17
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
A high resolution 2.2 \mu m\ image of the circumstellar shell surrounding the carbon star IRC+10216 is presented. The image was obtained with a 256x256 NICMOS III array mounted on the 2.3m telescope at the Wyoming Infrared Observatory. We were able to reach near diffraction limited resolution by making use of the shift-and-add (SAA) technique. The result is a two dimensional image of the shell around IRC+10216 with a resolution approaching 0.3". We illustrate the resolution improvement achieved with SAA by comparing our result to the equivalent long exposure, uncorrected, image of IRC+10216. The observed asymmetry of the shell in the North-East direction is compatible with previously published near-infrared interferometric data.