Session 77 - AXAF Calibration.
Display session, Wednesday, January 17
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
We describe the HRMA X-ray Detection System (HXDS), which will be used for pre-flight calibration of the AXAF X-ray telescope mirror assembly and transmission gratings. We list the calibration objectives, and describe the primary HXDS components, including: beam normalization detectors, focal plane detectors, positioning stages and auxiliary hardware, and the data acquisition and control system.
The challenges in designing a system capable of ``one percent accuracy'' calibration are discussed, including the performance and calibration requirements of several key subsystems. During AXAF calibration, hundreds of parameters must be specified, monitored, and recorded, and an overview of our computer control system is provided. The detector data acquisition system, with quick-analysis tools and real-time displays is also summarized.