Session 79 - CVs and Novae.
Display session, Wednesday, January 17
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
Sixty seven years of AAVSO data on the dwarf nova type cataclysmic variable Z Camelopardalis were analyzed with emphasis on its outburst characteristics, moving averages of light curve parameters and correlations between them to study longterm trends in the data. The sixty seven years data indicate that the amount of time spent in standstill in the last 10,000 days increased significantly in comparison to earlier dates.
Brightness in magnitudes were converted to flux to study the energy output of the system in the optical wavelength. It was found that the average flux level during a standstill interval was almost always higher than the average flux level during an outburst interval. This evidence lends support to the theory of Meyer, F. and Meyer-Hofmeister, E. 1984, Astr. Ap., 132, 143.
We acknowledge with thanks the tireless efforts of AAVSO observers over decades that made this study possible.