Session 81 - Planetary Nebulae.
Display session, Wednesday, January 17
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
Using published spectral line data for nine Halo Planetary Nebulae, we have calculated photoionization models using the theoretical code CLOUDY (Ferland 1990) in an attempt to gain insight into the physical conditions and chemical abundances of these nebulae. The nebulae are classified as halo objects from their galactic plane height, their kinematical characteristics as compared to disk objects, and/or their distinctively low metallicity relative to disk planetary nebulae. The nine HPNe reported in this paper are K648, DdDm-1, NGC2242, NGC4361, Pn242-37.1, Pn6-41.1, M2-29, BB-1, amp; H4-1. The derived abundance ranges in this work for the HPNe are: C 7.23-8.95, N 6.63-8.00, O 7.56-8.62, Ne 6.24-7.71, Ar 4.12-7.00, and S 4.89-6.90 (In log(x)+12). The temperatures for the central stars were derived by assuming the star to be a blackbody radiator and by using four previously published stellar atmospheric models. The temperature range for the central stars of these nebulae spans 40,000K to 185,000K.