Session 86 - Measurement of Cosmological Parameters.
Oral session, Wednesday, January 17
1st Floor, La Villita Assembly Building
High-redshift supernovae are a significant new tool for measuring the cosmological parameters q_0, Ømega_0, and \Lambda that describe our expanding universe. We have shown that the rare, random, and transient supernovae can be systematically detected and studied at high redshifts. So far, we have discovered and studied seven supernovae at redshifts z = 0.35 -- 0.5, and identified most of these as Type Ia supernovae. With this sample of distant supernovae events, we can test the homogeneity and calibration relations that have recently been established for nearby Type Ia supernovae. We will present these checks of the ``calibrated candle" at high redshifts, and then a measurement of the deceleration of the universe based on our first seven discoveries. The search is continuing with larger cameras and telescopes, and should discover >12 distant supernovae with each of four upcoming telescope runs.