Session 91 - Working Group on Astronomical Software.
Oral session, Wednesday, January 17
Salon del Rey North, Hilton
The Aladin project aims to provide a new cross-identification tool for the CDS and its co-workers, and, eventually, other astronomers. This tool is designed as an interactive Xwindow client with access to images from a local directory or the CDS image server, as well as to the Simbad database, the CDS catalogue server and local, on-site catalogues. Present development includes: The building of a high resolution image archive of Schmidt plates digitized by the Paris MAMA facility and covering a significant portion of the sky (250 plates = 500 Giga bytes); The integration of the STScI DSS in the system to provide full-sky coverage (at a lower spatial resolution than the MAMA archive); The development of a client emphasising the possibility of astrometric and photometric recalibration of the images using high quality standards. Presently a reduced version of the client is already available for the CDS and its co-workers. Full realization of the project is planned for the middle of 1996.