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Session 96 - QSO Absorption Systems.
Oral session, Wednesday, January 17
Salon del Rey South, Hilton

[96.02] Spatial Correlations of QSO Absorbers in the Early Universe

G. M. Williger (MPIA), J. A. Baldwin (CTIO)

A unique dataset of \sim 20 QSO spectra with z_em>1.5, all in a 2^\circ field near the South Galactic Pole, with 2Å\ resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of \sim 20 per resolution element, is examined to determine the clustering properties of QSO absorbers on scales >0.5h^-1 comoving Mpc. The two point correlation function in three dimensions has already indicated groups of CIV absorbers subtending 15-30h^-1 Mpc separated by 60-75h^-1 Mpc at 2.3

Program listing for Wednesday