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Session 100 - Computational Techniques.
Display session, Thursday, January 18
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center

[100.02] The New Gamma CFAR Detector

J. C. Principe (Computational NeuroEngineering Lab., Univ. of Florida), A. D. Nair (Astronomy Dept., Univ. of Florida)

In this paper we propose a new detector called the gamma constant false alarm rate (\gamma CFAR). The \gamma CFAR detector utilizes a family of gamma functions which provide the ability to change the scale and shape of a stencil that models the local area in an image. The scale and shape can be selected adaptively after training in a way so as to give minimum false alarms. The detector makes the maximal use of intensity information to discriminate targets from background clutter. A significant increase in the signal-to-noise ratio is observed.

Program listing for Thursday