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Session 101 - The Sun.
Display session, Thursday, January 18
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center

[101.05] Active Region 7123: Its Peculiar Radio Polarization and the Distribution of the Umbral Coronal Plasma

A. Vourlidas, T. S. Bastian (NRAO), M. J. Aschwanden (UMd)

A comprehensive set of microwave and soft x-ray observations of solar active region 7123 was obtained during 3--10 April, 1992. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the polarized radio emission from the sunspot-associated component of AR 7123. We use the VLA observations at 1.5, 4.7 and 8.4 GHz, supported by the available x-ray and magnetic data. We concentrate on understanding the 4.7 GHz o-mode polarization over the umbra of the leading spot of AR 7123 and its variation with aspect angle within the physical context provided by the x-ray observations (SXT/Yohkoh) and past work on umbral atmospheres.

Program listing for Thursday