Session 101 - The Sun.
Display session, Thursday, January 18
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
We summarize results from observations made at the November 3, 1994, total solar eclipse from the International Astronomical Union site in Putre, Chile, through partly cloudy skies. We discuss the image reduction and analysis of two simultaneous series of coronal images with a cadence of 10 frames per second for a total time of 160 seconds. One series of images was taken through a filter isolating the 530.3 nm [Fe XIV] coronal green line and the other through a 10 nm filter in the nearby K-corona continuum. After standard calibrations and image alignment, we use Fourier analysis to search in the [Fe XIV] channel for high-frequency ( 1 Hz) intensity oscillations in loops at the base of the corona. Such oscillations are predicted as a result of density fluctuations from the resonant absorption of high-frequency Alfven waves. The dissipation of a significant amount of mechanical energy from the photosphere into the corona through this mechanism could provide sufficient energy to heat the corona. The observations were supported by NSF ATM-9005194 and Education Division DUE-9351279 grants; the National Geographic Society through their Committee on Research and Explorations (grant: 5190-94), and the Keck Northeastern Astronomy Consortium.