Session 102 - Pulsating Stars.
Display session, Thursday, January 18
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
We present new BV photometry and radial velocities from high- resolution spectroscopy for the Pop. II Cepheid variable V42 in the globular cluster M5. A new ephemeris is computed and V, B, and B-V light curves are given. An improved period of 25.725 days has been determined. A CMD of M5 is presented with V42 included. We intend to utilize these data as part of a project to derive the distance and absolute magnitudes of V42 using the Baade-Wesselink method, and to compare this result with the result of an earlier B-W analysis of two RR Lyraes in M5. This will help tie the RR Lyrae and cepheid Baade-Wesselink methods together.