Session 102 - Pulsating Stars.
Display session, Thursday, January 18
North Banquet Hall, Convention Center
We present the initial results of the analysis of the precise radial velocities of the relatively little-studied star \delta Sagittarii, K2.5 IIIa, HR 6859. The data were obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope using the hydrogen fluoride absorption cell technique. The periodogram shows significant peaks at 2.8 days (K=104 m s^-1), 63 days (K=85 m s^-1), and 295 days (K=72 m s^-1). Because of our limited data the true period cannot be distinguished from these possibilities due to aliasing. This giant is an interesting example of a star having a radial velocity periodicity which may be attributed to intrinsic variability, rotational modulation, or the presence of a low M_2 \sin i companion (see A. Walker et al., this conference). More observations are urgently required to determine the true period and to discover the underlying origin for this star's radial velocity variability.