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Session 117 - Instrumentation and Techniques.
Oral session, Thursday, January 18
Salon del Rey North, Hilton

[117.04] PLANET (Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork)

M. Albrow (SAAO and U. Canterbury), P. Birch (Perth Obs.), J. A. R. Caldwell (SAAO), R. Martin (Perth Obs.), J. Menzies (SAAO), J. Pel (Kapteyn Lab), K. Pollard (SAAO), P. D. Sackett (Kapteyn Lab), K. C. Sahu (STScI), P. Vreeswijk (Kapteyn Lab), A. Williams (Perth Obs.), M. Zwaan (Kapteyn Lab)

The PLANET (Probing Lensing Anomalies NETwork) collaboration has carried out frequent monitoring of about 7 microlensing events during the 1995 bulge season. The events were monitored in V and I bands, with a typical time interval of about 1.5 to 3 hrs between successive observations of each event. One of the prime objectives of the PLANET collaboration is to look for planets around the lensing objects the signature of which would be sharp extra peaks on the point-source/point-lens microlensing light curve. The data can also be used to look for anomalies caused by other factors such as binary sources/lenses, extended source characteristics, etc. Three 60cm to 1-m class telescopes, situated at La Silla (Chile), Sutherland (South Africa) and Perth (Australia) were used to achieve an almost continuous coverage of the events. The first PLANET campaign lasted about 45 days, starting from 12th July 1995. In principle, such observations are sensitive to the presence of earth-size planets. The data analysis is now in progress.

Program listing for Thursday