Session 119 - QSOs and BL Lacs.
Oral session, Thursday, January 18
1st Floor, La Villita Assembly Building
The ultraluminous IRAS galaxy FSC 10214+4724 is shown to have highly polarized continuum and broad emission lines typical of a quasistellar object (QSO). This demonstrates that it is in fact a highly luminous QSO which is obscured from our line of sight, and seen only in reflection. The unpolarized narrow emission lines apparently arise from the scattering region itself or beyond, and are not reflected. Our spectra also show a sharp doublet absorption feature which is interpreted as Mg II absorption at z = 1.316. A second, fairly broad absorption feature may be a second Mg II doublet at z = 0.89, consistent with the spectral shape and the morphology of the purported lensing galaxy, source 2. It is possible that there are galaxies at both redshifts which contribute to the lensing.