Session 120 - The Local Interstellar Medium.
Oral session, Thursday, January 18
Corte Real, Hilton
Cross-correlation between the microwave COBE DMR sky maps and the far-infrared COBE DIRBE maps detects fluctuations in the high-latitude (|b| > 20\deg) microwave sky brightness with the angular variation of the DIRBE dust maps and a frequency dependence consistent with a superposition of dust and free-free emission. The dust temperature and emissivity derived from angular variations in the DMR and DIRBE data agree with values derived independently from absolute spectra, and place a lower limit to enhanced dust emissivity at long wavelengths. The detection of free-free emission correlated with far-infrared dust emission provides a spatial template and normalization for at least one component of the warm ionized interstellar medium at various angular scales. The amplitude of the correlated component agrees well with estimates of the total emission from the warm ionized medium, suggesting that the correlated component forms a significant fraction of the warm ionized interstellar medium.