Session 121 - Instrumentation: Status and Plans.
Oral session, Thursday, January 18
La Condesa, Hilton
The JHU and Ball Aerospace Advanced Camera for the HST will have a high throughput, wide field (200'' \times 200''), optical and I-band camera which is critically sampled at 1000 nm, a high resolution optical and near-UV camera critically sampled at 500 nm, and a high throughput, far-UV camera.
The AC's survey capability will be optimized for optical and NIR studies of the early Universe. The optimization is achieved by combining a novel, three-mirror optical design for the wide field camera with high reflectivity optical and NIR mirror and window coatings, a large format CCD optimized for the NIR, and a camera orientation chosen to minimize the time required to move to an adjacent field and begin a new exposure. The AC will increase HST's capability for surveys and discovery in the NIR by a factor of \sim 10.
In this paper we report our progress on design, filters, and detectors.
This work is supported by NASA contract NAS 5-32865.