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Session 42 - Molecular Clouds: Models and Observations.
Display session, Tuesday, June 11
Great Hall,

[42.01] Numerical Simulation of Self-gravitational Instability of Isothermal Gaseous Slab Under High External Pressure

S. Miyaji, M. Umekawa, R. Matsumoto (Chiba Univ.), T. Yoshida (Ibaraki Univ.)

Gaseous slab is formed with shock waves from super novae, collision of interstellar clouds, etc. When the mass in the Jeans scale is more than Jeans mass, the slab fragments into many clumps by gravitational instability. But in high external pressure environment, even the slab which is stable against Jeans mode can fragment(Elmegreen and Elmegreen 1978).This phenomenon results from incompressible mode instability(Lubow and Pringle 1993). These works are by linear analysis. We study numerically this isothermal gaseous slab which is formed by high external pressure and whose thickness is much smaller than its scale height. We assume self-gravitational fluid, and use two dimensional flux split method. Our model size is taken about the scale of linear maximum growth rate wave length and its five times length, which is an example of much longer than the maximum growth rate wave length. When the incompressible mode instability takes place, it becomes clumps. Each mass of the clumps is less than the Jeans mass. Then the clumps approach each other by gravitational interaction to form bigger clumps. In the presentation we will show results of numerical simulation and discuss about the interaction of fragments on star formation or initial mass function.

Program listing for Tuesday