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Session 43 - The Diffuse ISM: Milky Way and Beyond.
Display session, Tuesday, June 11
Great Hall,

[43.05] Gamma-rays and the Interstellar Medium

P. Kaaret, A. Chen (Columbia University), J. Dwyer (U. Maryland)

Regions of high gamma-ray emissivity are spatially correlated with regions where the 0.25 keV x-ray background is bright. This strongly suggests a common origin. Here, we further analyse the correlation between soft x-rays and gamma-ray emissivity, defined as the gamma-ray intensity divided by the gas column density along each line of sight. We use information from soft x-ray shadowing measurements to constrain the geometry of gamma-ray emission. Interpreting the enhanced gamma-ray emissivity as due to a local concentration of cosmic rays, we discuss possible acceleration mechanisms. We also discuss implications of these results for models of the soft x-ray background and the EUV and soft x-ray spectra of the background.

Program listing for Tuesday