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Session 76 - Exploding Stars.
Display session, Thursday, June 13
Great Hall,

[76.10] Spectral Line Ratios as Luminostity Indicators in Type Ia Supernovae

D. Richardson, P. Nugent, A. Fisher, E. Baron, D. Branch (U. Oklahoma)

As noted by others there is a relationship between spectral features and luninosity in type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). We continue this study. In particular, we are examining the ratio of the depths of the SiII absorption lines (5800A and 6150A) and the ratio of the peaks on either side of the CaII Hamp;K absortion blend (3800A). This was done for several nearby SNe Ia, with spectra that range from a few days before maximum light to, approximately, fifteen days after maximum light. We then compare these results to a model of synthetic spectra in which only time and luminosity are varied. It is hoped that the trends found will lead to an independent means of determining the subclass of observed high redshift SNe Ia, and hence their magnitudes can be determined. Once this is done we will be able to more accurately calculate the deceleration parameter, which will help us in determining whether the universe is open or closed.

Program listing for Thursday