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Session 68 - Disk Galaxies.
Display session, Wednesday, January 15
Metropolitan Ballroom,

[68.02] Kinematics and Dynamics of the Barred Spiral NGC 5383

K. Sheth, M. W. Regan, S. N. Vogel (U. Maryland)

We discuss the kinematics and morphology of the dense molecular gas observed in the barred spiral NGC 5383 using BIMA CO (J=1-0) observations at 5" resolution. The observed velocity field is modeled using a hydrodynamic code (Piner,Stone, & Teuben 1995) to estimate the mass inflow rate. The complex velocity structure of the dense gas resulting from its interaction with the inner Lindblad resonance is also examined.

We observe the familiar "twin peaks" morphology (Kenney 1992) in our CO maps and discuss our attempt to reconcile it with our hydrodynamic model. We also present optical and near-infrared observations used to analyse the relationships between the stellar distribution, molecular gas, dust extinction,and massive star formation.

Program listing for Wednesday