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Session 71 - Globular Clusters.
Display session, Wednesday, January 15
Metropolitan Ballroom,

[71.17] The M31 Globular Cluster System

P. Seitzer (U. Michigan), K. R. Banas (Caltech), T. Armandroff (NOAO)

New metallicities and radial velocities have been obtained for 90 M31 globular clusters from spectra of the near infrared CaII triplet. The median 1 sigma error of the metallicities is 0.15 dex, and the radial velocities have a 1 sigma error of 8 km/sec. For clusters with projected distances more than 12 kpc from the center of M31, the histogram of metallicities is bimodal, with the two peaks at values similar to those for our Galaxy. For the inner clusters (projected separation from the center of less than 4.2 kpc) the metallicity distribution is dominated by metal rich systems. We compare these results with studies of the Galactic globular cluster system, and with earlier studies of the M31 cluster system

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