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Session 25 - Stars in the Ultraviolet.
Display session, Tuesday, June 10
South Main Hall,

[25.06] Far-Ultraviolet Observations of the UV-Bright Star Barnard 29 in M13 with the Berkeley Spectrograph on the ORFEUS-II Mission

W. V. Dixon, M. Hurwitz (SSLandCEA/UCB)

The UV-bright star Barnard 29 in the globular cluster M13 was observed for a total of 8000 seconds with the Berkeley EUV/FUV spectrometer during the ORFEUS-II space-shuttle mission in 1996 November. The resulting spectrum extends from the interstellar cutoff at 912 Å\ to \sim 1216 Å\ at a resolution of \sim 0.3 ÅIt shows numerous absorption features, but no significant emission features other than terrestrial airglow lines. We present a preliminary analysis of the stellar spectrum, including estimates of its atmospheric parameters and chemical composition derived from LTE and non-LTE stellar atmosphere modeling and spectral synthesis. This work is supported by NASA grant NAG5-696.

Program listing for Tuesday