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Session 26 - Stars in the Visible & IR.
Display session, Tuesday, June 10
South Main Hall,

[26.06] Massive Automated Variability Search With OGLE-2

B. Paczy\'nski (Princeton Univ. Obs.), A. Udalski, M. Kubiak, M. Szyma\'nski, A. Olech, G. Pietrzy\'nski (Warsaw Univ. Obs.)

OGLE-2 is a 1.3 meter R/C telescope operated by the Warsaw University Observatory at the Las Campanas site of the Carnegie Observatories. The instrument has been in full operation since January 6, 1997. It is dedicated to massive variability searches, which covers stellar variables as well as microlensing events. The telescope is operated in a drift-scan mode with a 2k x 2k CCD camera equipped with a thin (back illuminated) device made by SITe. The data pipeline is fully automated, and it delivers up to 15 million photometric measurements per clear night. Thousands of periodic variable stars have been already found in the LMC and in the galactic bulge. The Early Warning System should be implemented soon and it will provide microlensing alerts, just like OGLE-1 did in 1994 and 1995.

Program listing for Tuesday