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Session 34 - High Resolution X-ray Imaging & Spectroscopy with AXAF.
Oral session, Tuesday, June 10
North Main Hall F/G,

[34.02] AXAF's Ground Calibration

M. C. Weisskopf (Marshall Space Flight Center)

The major advances in high resolution imaging and spectroscopy which AXAF will bring to astrophysical studies require that the AXAF telescope and instruments be extremely well calibrated. Thus AXAF's mirrors and scientific instruments have undergone what is arguably the most extensive ground calibration of any X-ray mission to date. The calibration was carried out at the Marshall Space Flight Center, using a facility designed especially for AXAF. This talk will describe the scientific drivers for the calibration, provide an overview of the tests actually performed, and summarize how well the calibration requirements have been met.

Program listing for Tuesday