Session 3 - Source Surveys, Galaxy Surveys, Distance Scale I.
Display session, Wednesday, January 07
Exhibit Hall,
We present NICMOS images of random fields obtained in parallel to other HST observations. These "JHK" (F110W, F160W, F222M) images are taken with the focus optimized for Camera 2. To date about 200 fields have been observed, to typical depths of H_160W = 23.2 (5 \sigma for a point source) for a 1024 second exposure. The majority of fields have been observed to that level, with at least four fields having total exposure times >10^4 seconds. Based on the current scheduling, we project that \sim 250 fields total will be observed by the time of the meeting. At this depth, NICMOS Camera 2 detects one galaxy in every 1--1.5 of its 19^\prime \prime\times 19^\prime \prime fields of view, and thus the we expect to have a sample of almost 200 galaxies.
We present galaxy number counts for the entire sample, and discuss the distribution of J-H color. For the brighter objects, we present color-color plots as well as morphological information. We compare the J- and H-band galaxy counts to the deepest I- and K-band counts obtained from the ground-based data.